all that hard, hard work, but the effort is NEVER, ever lost my dear girl!
Makes me think of life and how often we have disappointments. It seems sometimes there are too many. More than one person can handle, and at other times, so much joy. I guess we learn how to deal with it, grieve different sorrows and become stronger. I really want to see more of Jesus in the whole situation though. I don't want for her to just feel defeated, disappointed, and sad. I want for her to feel confident and alive and loved, strong, able, good and like the hard work pays off. To feel good about the trying, the learning, and not that a failure in her own eyes. There were so many successes in the day! The relationship building with her coach, learning a new amazing braid, learning ways to be calm and confident, or knowing we need to learn some, fixing her jacket for the NEXT time (yes there will be next time), knowing that tomorrow will probably be a better day I want to think of more.... It could be definitely a humbling experience, but Erin is not a proud girl, she is so so humble. There just seem too many disappointments lately for her.
So what does Jesus think? I think He just loves beyond what we can ever know, love beyond a human parent's love, and knowledge to the depths of our souls. That He knows each part of us more than we do, and why we are that way, and that HE loves it all!! After all He made it that way.
" the LORD is my light and my salvation. The LORD is the strength of my life, of whom(or what) shall I be afraid (or worried)?"
"I can do all things through HIM who gives me strength"