This is gratitude Monday. I am thankful. Thankful for the summer that is lasting and lasting. Sometimes by mid-August it's getting a lot cooler than I like it to be, but we've had another hot and sunny spell. If you haven't already figured it out, I'm a summer girl! Love the sun, love the garden, love the water! I really like spring too, but mostly because it means summer is on the way. I don't want it to end.
"So when you feel all the endings coming ... begin looking for all the beginnings."
177. getting canning jars out for the first time this summer, it's sooooo late for me!
wood and screws179. my husband who goes with whatever the flow is that comes along
180. the heat that makes my crazy dog just want to lay around all day and not get into trouble
181. home made fries in the deep fryer, ooooooh I should get one of those! Or maybe not!
Trader Joe's.. oh I wish Canada had one!
181. These cookies are making me happy.

183. daily dips in the pool
184. I've been asking God to fill me with joy and I feel it, as unspiritual as that sounds, I feel it. He is good.
185. a day to weed and putz in my overgrown yard, to lay some bricks and tidy things
186. fresh garden peas, even if there were only about 12 pods
187. fluffy towels
188. laughing boys
189. hope
190. new brakes that don't make a funny rattling sound when you go downhill
191. This little muffin that I CAN'T WAIT to see in not too long. Hi Tristan! I love you!