Happy New Year!!! I think the start of a new year is kind of exciting. We didn't do anything exciting to bring in 2008, the kids complained that they had to go to bed at 10. We ordered Chinese food with Kevin's parents who were still visiting and played a few games and sent everyone off to bed, but I went off to work, sniffling as I went. The 4 of us nurses stopped at 12 to bring in the New year with a toast of sparking cider and way too many goodies and then most definitely worked our butts off all night- it was a busy one! Tonight we did do chocolate fondue and I am hoping to not regret it once bedtime comes and the kids have chocolate coursing through their veins.
My friend Randi had a list of 100 things she wanted to do with her life- a momentous list- on her blog and I thought maybe I could do that to start off my New Year. I don't really make resolutions, I am much more into setting some attainable goals. So my list....things I want to do, hope to be, want to see, can't all be in 2008, but definitely can start on them. Of course some of hers were so good I had to steal them. So here I go... My 100 things:
1. Visit all the continents
2. See my children get married to loving, caring, godly spouses
3. Get a Master's degree- not sure in what yet
4. See Angel Falls
5. Go back to Africa to work in a mission hospital
6. Start a nurses training school in a 3rd world country
7. Sleep in
8. Grow old with Kevin
9. Learn Spanish
10. Go to New Zealand
11. Own a horse, or probably 2, so I can ride with a friend
12. Have a property
13. Take up endurance racing
14. Save a child's life
15. Finds some friends who like backpacking and camping
16. Drive across Canada - W to E
17. Lead Oprah to Jesus
18. Ride bareback on the beach
19. Eat GOOD chocolate
20. Go on the Amazing Race with Kevin
21. Make a difference in the world
22. Get in shape
23. Take my girl to France
24. Go to seminary
25. See the Northern Lights in NWT
26. Write a Bible study with Beth Moore
27. Have a big organic garden
28. Start on my quilt for the living room
29. See the Grand Canyon
30. Do God's will for my life
31. Train my dog to be come when called
32. Be a better listener
33. Be better at asking good questions
34. Make every person I am with feel significant
35. Take a trip with every girlfriend that turns 40
36. Respect and love Kevin every day
37. Hold my grandchild
38. Live next door to a good friend
39. Ride in a hot air balloon ( a safe one)
40. Deliver a baby (not my own)
41. Drive a Ferrari
42. Go to Italy and Spain- OK anywhere!
43. Live in another country
44. Be real
45. Become more vulnerable with people
46. Place people before tasks
47. Make my children feel LOVED everyday
48. Let people know how much I love them- without scaring them away
49. Be the kind of Mom that my kids need
50. Read through the Bible every year
51. Go on a bike trip around an island with our family
52. Go whale watching
53. Write a song
54. Have Paul Brandt for dinner
55. Sleep in a lighthouse on the East coast
56. End child pornography and prostitution
57. Ride a camel
58. Dance on the beach and not care who's watching
59. Lay in bed with my kids and dream together more nights
60. See a sunrise over the Saskatchewan prairie again
61. Climb Mukinge hill
62. Do a 10 km run without stopping
63. Have my kids as preschoolers again for a day
64. Fly a helicopter (without having to do all the training)
65. See the Kentucky Derby
66. Know Jesus more
67. Celebrate my 50th wedding anniversary with a big party with all our friends over the years
68. I want to wear my wedding dress again for a whole day (but in a thinner body)
69. Be more free with my words and my hugs
70. Tell my children everything they'll ever need to know
71. Be friends with my children when they are grown
72. Be friends with my daughter when she's a teenager
73. Go on a cattle drive
74. Sleep in a teepee
75. Feed starving children
76. Love orphans
77. Try parasailing
78. Go to Hawaii every spring break
79. Have a big wrap around veranda with a porch swing and a view of...
80. Look through an old attic
81. Visit my Opa's childhood home
82. Have my Dad around for one more day to meet my children and hug them
83. Live in the the woods in a log cabin for awhile
84. Find some new things to do with vegetables
85. Play the cello- again without all the practicing
86. Skate the canals in Holland in comfortable skates
87. Holiday in a beach house with blowy, cotton, white curtains breezing in the veranda off the bedroom
88. Not feel tired every morning when I wake up- I don't quite think I want to BE a morning person, but a little more would be good.
89. Be like Jesus to someone every day
90. Love the Lord my God with all my heart and soul and mind and strength
91. Take my kids to Kevin's family camp in Montana one summer
You'll have to come back later for more, when I think of them....
Those are so good. I'd like to be your neighbor - wanna move to Texas? Some of yours involve way too much schooling! :)
When I read your stuff, your ability to love well and within family-saving boundaries comes across.
Your priorities are so clear, and you have this quality of wild joy that you bring to everything you do. You're really balanced, too. Your list is this lovely dance of play-work-contribution. Brilliant!
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