Wednesday, February 13, 2008

How Sweet it is.... to be Loved by you

Love these girls!!! Miss you R & T.

You know the feeling when you were younger and you went away to summer camp? .... you came home full of memories of an amazing week that seemed so much longer, like you had been in a whole 'nother life. All the sweetness of the friendships and the feelings of joy and excitement of all that went on in just a few short days. All that contrasted to coming home to the regular life. Well I have that feeling. The only difference being that the coming home is also so sweet because my husband and kids are so wonderful.

My 2 dear friends, who we decided since none of us have sisters, are sisters to each other. We celebrated 18 years of friendship- boy are we getting old? What an absolutely amazing weekend we had in Savannah. We spent hours talking and catching up, sharing old stories and new. Spent hours over leisurely meals without toddler hands to watch or "pre-teens" asking how much longer. We poked in and out of cute shops at leisure, ate good southern cuisine, walked the beach and I saw my first glimpse of the Atlantic. We enjoyed touring old Victorian style homes, ate crayfish, drove up into South Carolina, listened to old tunes, and enjoyed every minute together, except for the last (oh and the 2 hour delay in O'Hare).

I can't wait 'til next year, since we decided it should be an annual affair. Especially with each of us turning 40 in the next 3 consecutive years.

View from our hotel balcony

Tara playing at Hilton Head beach

My girls!!

My feet touch the Atlantic for the first time. brrr.......

Lighthouse at Tybee Island

It's fun to be free and goofy!

Seafood platter for 1!!! For $20!!

An old Southern Plantation

A sweet, but short visit with family on my way through Calgary.
Don't you just want to kiss those cheeks?!


Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

You're right ... it was just the best weekend. Better than I could've imagined. I absolutely can't wait to do it again!

bigcanadiangirl said...

This totally gave me goosebumps. Love you guys! Happy Valentines!

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

Love the photos! Can't wait to see the rest.

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

I know you're going to wonder who deleted that comment ... me. I accidentally posted my comment twice. :)

Sandra said...

You're home! So glad to be hearing your stories again. :)