Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Zing Fling

We are gearing up for My Girl's first horse show! She said it's as exciting as Christmas!! So this is pretty awesome! I'll keep you posted. We have to get the correct English attire for this big event. Thankfully we know someone from whom to beg and borrow.

Here's the lucky fellow... Robbie and the lovely rider. Looks like a winning team!


Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

How neat - can't wait to hear about it!

Yah, I thought you had the word verification thing ... glad it's gone!

bigcanadiangirl said...

Good to see you Drews! Can't wait to see photos from the horse show. Erin will have to fill us "newbies" in on the jargon (trot to canter etc)