Monday, May 12, 2008

2 More Days

As you may know I am taking the plunge and getting laser eye surgery. It's in 2 days!! So no make-up for the past few days, been wearing my glasses for 10 days, no contact lenses, that's enough to make me long for the day. The grandparents are here to babysit, because we're going to Vancouver to have it done. I may not be able to read well for a few days, so we'll have to wait and "SEE". I've worn glasses since I was 11 so I am very excited. I know several people who've had it done this past year and a couple by this surgeon, so he comes recommended. I'll keep you posted....


Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

What??!!?? How did I not know you were having that done? How exciting! Can't wait to see the new you!

Sandra said...

I'm just seeing this on Thursday, so your surgery must be done and you must be on your way to full recovery!

I'm praying!