I did a bit of a presentation on this during my nursing course, because I find it a very interesting topic. The power and control in relationships. When you are in a situation where one person has more of the "power" or initiative or whatever you want to call it, it shifts the relationship to one side and makes the interactions different. There is more expectation on one side than the other. As a professional, I need to interact with people on a different level and retain some sort of distance, yet there is an even more familiarity because of the roles, but don't want to put people into a position where they are the ones being "done to" or don't have any say in the way things take place. You see it in social settings too where one of the persons takes, or seems to have more of the control over how the relationship goes. Sometimes the other one can allow it on purpose, like passive-aggressive and that person is actually maintaining more of the control. Anyways, I am not explaining this very well at all, I think it is my tired brain.
All to say, that I find it interesting to watch how people interact with each other especially in new situations. Some are just more socially adept than others, and last night, I was the observer, plus the smoke from the fire was really bothering my lasered eyes.
5 boys under age 10, and fire.. hmmm...
no one was injured during the filming.
no one was injured during the filming.
Have fun!
Careful - there's no lifeguard on duty there.
Hey, did you guys use actions on that photo - I'm sensing actions?
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