We spent last Sunday on down south a little ways at a place called Skaha Bluffs near Penticton. A place the boys have always wanted to see, so we made the day of it. It's a huge rock climbing area. The men didn't bring any rock climbing gear, but just planned a little hike around the area. After 2 hours of hiking going by our little hand drawn map, we realized it is much bigger of a place than we anticipated. Our entourage was a little unprepared having drank, or is that drunk, our 1 liter of ice tea, and with no snacks to rejuvenate the small ones among us in 32 degree heat, we turned back. We were amazed at how big it was and also how cool!

View of Skaha and Okanagan Lake


Tracy, always the rowdy one! Stayin' alive!

There were tonnes of climbers to watch, who came from all over BC and even Alberta to check this place out. All levels of climbing abilities challenged here from the Asian outdoor adventure tourists with their brand new gear, to the toughest seasoned climbers on overhanging precipices. I sound like a travel brochure.
Interesting note: the one time Kevin took me climbing ages ago at Heart Creek and I belayed down a waterfall, we went home and I found out I was pregnant with Erin.
We stopped by the lake for a freezing cold dip and a BBQ lunch at 4 pm :) What is with the lake this summer? It's not warm!

Fun day - is Kevin still on holidays?
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