Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I Pea..ed my Bed

The kids thought it was funny when I said it this morning...

I had visions of running a marathon, getting in shape, playing forward on my new soccer team! Well at my first ladies' game of the season, I injured my knee. I drove myself home and iced, then had a nice trip into ER to see if it needed x-rays. It was the popping sound that worried me, that and the giving out. Only minimal pain and swelling, so one of those should I stay or should I go decisions. Since the plan was to drive to Edmonton today, I figured I better go. So no real serious damage, possibly a slight ligament tear, but maybe not because of the lack of swelling, most probably a pull on the insertion of the hamstring. So thus ends my short lived soccer career, at least for awhile.

So I'm icing it before getting out of bed this morning and the bag of frozen peas bursts open.
"Kids come quick, I pea..ed my bed"


Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

I had no idea you were going to play soccer ... that really stinks that you got injured! Hope it heals quickly.

Sandra said...

Lolololol! I'm so sorry you hurt yourself, but that is TOO funny!

Erin said...

laugh laugh!