Sunday, November 16, 2008


With the office all done, we figured Daddy needed some company in there. We cleaned out his old fish tank that's been empty for awhile. Today, with a quick trip to WalMart the kids chose 2 gouramis, and 2 clown loaches. The names are still being discussed, but I still vote for Les Schwab. We're waiting for Daddy to come home to his surprise!


Kevin said...

Thank you all. I was very surprised! I think at least temporarily I will stick with the kids' names for the new fish in "the office" - Michael, Dwight, Jim and Pam.

Sandra said...

You are one busy blogger! Kevin's name choices are brilliant!

bigcanadiangirl said...

I vote for Les Schwab and King 5!

Erin said...

Yes!! you'd better, since we thought of them!!
PS- I think Jim and Pam got back together, they're no longer swimming away from each other all the time.

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

Is that a good surprise? Phil would think it was a bad surprise. :)