Thursday, January 15, 2009


So I'm trying to be very patient and God fearing and holy and have a positive attitude, but since Randi did a little venting tonight I think I have given myself permission to do the same. But I only have one thing to complain about....

Why is it that every time we try to go somewhere or do something fun just the 2 of us, our plans seem to be thwarted? Kevin said to me today, that we should wonder how many "signs" it takes before we realize we should just stop trying to do something. 1. Mom's husband had emergency surgery, thankfully he's OK and she can still come out the be with the kids 2. Kevin has some sort of intestinal blockage that we've been trying to deal with for days. Without all the gory details, I dragged him to the walk-in today and he's on citro-mag which we're not sure if it's being effective yet or not 3. the airport canceled almost all flights today into town because of heavy fog, I guess the ray of hope is that my mom's plane was one of the only ones that was able to land in a "clearer" window of time 4. my friend called and said she heard there were no flights til Monday 5. while at the airport today, we heard many reports about cancellations and weather advisories all weekend 6. the back of Erin was on the nightly news walking through the airport as the they told about all the delays and cancelled flights!! Argghhh!! So we shall wait whilst my husband sits on the toilet all night to see what happens. We leave later in the day, so maybe that's good. I'm still trying to be positive but part of me is settling in for a cold weekend at a downtown hotel in lieu of tropical bliss.....

So that's my rant for tonight, pray for sun and clear bowels :)


Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

Oh Linda ... I'll be praying that your plane gets out, that Kevin loosens up :), and that you can go away to the real tropics and have a great time. You deserve it (and you're allowed to vent over that - wow).

Erin said...

I really hope your guys's flight is okay, and im happy i was on the news, :)

Kevin said...

I think we'll make it. It'll feel even more relaxing once we do knowing how difficult the last couple of days were before we left. (typed on the wireless laptop seated in the bathroom)

bigcanadiangirl said...

Kevin - too much information. I'll pray that everything takes a turn for the better today. Was Erin wearing some great jeans in the video clip?

Sandra said...

Praying for: Mom's hubby. Kevin's parts. Your peace of mind. Timely travel.

One of the coolest things about delays and glitches is that they lead to entirely different encounters and experiences than if things had gone smoothly. Who knows what great and joyful adventures lie in front of you because of these awkward moments!

bigcanadiangirl said...

Are you gone?