Tuesday, August 11, 2009

"You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst forth into song before you, and the trees of the fields will clap their hands" (Isaiah 55:13)

I'd like to see all these mountains burst forth into song. That will be quite the sight. Similar to the NT verse that says if people don't proclaim HIM, the very rocks will cry out!
I want to claim that joy for now and be led in peace...and trust the context of the verse that says HIS Word will not return empty, that every Word gone out from HIS mouth will accomplish what HE desires (Is 55:12-12). And so I wonder what HE desires with me/us. I know that every Word I have put into my mind in the past has gone in for a purpose, and that may be for now , when it seems much more dry. The roots have grown down to hold fast for times such as this. To know without a doubt that HE has purpose. I'd really like to know what that is and feel like my day has some purpose right now, but that is coming in HIS perfect time.

So I pray for those who are facing some really big challenges, and pray God's purpose in them too...
...like my friend starting chemo. on Thursday morning for breast cancer while her oldest starts kindergarten tomorrow, oh the timing!
...my friend whose Dad had an aortic aneursym last weekend and was air ambulanced to Vancouver, thankfully I was at work so could be there with them..
....the homeless lady who appeared on my doorstep yesterday with her own story of trying to find her birth daughter (yes I know where she was, but can I tell?)
...a 7 month old baby, with some disabilities, getting put up for adoption soon, hoping for happy endings or beginnings
... a friend who says they are going to separate because the marriage is over
...and my dear friend awaiting the birth of #5, hoping she has the energy :)


Sandra said...

With you on every one. And praying for your family's next step, too.

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

That list brought tears to my eyes. I've been trying to pray Scripture over my kids and over my own life and really claim the things that God tells us. There's so much pain in the world and I have no idea how people handle it apart from a Savior ... it can be so difficult at times even when you have Him. Praying for you in these uncertain times, knowing that you'll look back on this as a time that God really showed His faithfulness to your family.