This evening was our church's Living Nativity and I liked that the angels were sword wielding/fighting warriors, who said "Fear Not". The ballet dancing, pretty flowy angels just don't quite warrant being afraid of. It definitely drew the attention of all the 11 year old boys in the crowd. "Ain't no pansy Jesus!" (that was a quote from one of our pastors that I like to say)
The other night, some other shenanigans ensued. I think it started out as being Santa, but changed rather quickly into how fat can I get? All involved decided that those people on the 'Biggest Loser' really do have a difficult time just doing little things, like getting up off the couch. And that maybe some moderation in Christmas cookie consumption isn't all Mom's bad idea.

Nice, but he needs a Santa suit. I haven't done any baking or decorating this year so good for you.
Your kids are too funny. That's neat you're going to Calgary!
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