Today I am thankful for....
106. An afternoon of puppy sitting, well actually we borrowed her for a photo shoot, and just couldn't give her back. She was the New Year's puppy-
Daisy. We're totally trading Ditto in, he's super jealous, pretty much just wanted to eat and drool all over her. Where did he learn his manners? Can't you just cuddle that little one all day- we did!

107. Encouraging blogging friends
108. Afternoon tea with one of my favorite people. Sadness that our
little peanut won't become our niece after all... only in our hearts and mind. Pray for her new family.
109. Forts that little boys like to sleep in. He's in there somewhere!

110. Sunshine
111. A husband that still thinks I'm OK after all.
112. A husband that is pretty amazing himself!
113. Taxes, that pay for so many things that we really take for granted most days.
114. Cherry tree fruit fly spray (I'll be really happy for it in about 3 months time when there are no worms in my berries)
115. Frozen cherries still in my freezer
116. Raising over $3000 Friday night for our
Africa bound friends... and a lot of left over baked potatoes. Thanks everyone! Kevin and I ran the bar for quite awhile, the total non-drinkers in the crowd. And we don't want anymore negative press about selling alcohol to send a family to the mission field. It wasn't a church event :) more about community awareness!
117. Crocuses
118. Potluck dinner at our new church campus
119. Sleeping in
120. Warm chocolate chip cookies in the shower (I didn't get it wet, funnier still, it was blended inside the fort, don't ask me why, I am just trying to not control all decisions made by 14 year olds)
121. One fully functioning vehicle and no need for 2 this week.
122. My knitting night girls that I missed the last 2 times, but I refuse to work again on a Thursday evening!
123. An amazing group of women who met to throw a baby shower for a woman no one had met, but needed to be blessed. I love seeing beyond ourselves, and little brown babies with big dark eyes.
124. Spring break!!
125. Dairy Queen
126. Corporate worship to good music
127. Hopefulness
128. The ability to laugh at oneself
129. Feeling like when you are grumpy, your family still loves you
130. Watching movies all cuddled up in blankets with warm drinks
131. Getting free stuff due to my Canadian Tire Mastercard.
132. Last minute deals to Mexico for #108