But, a light shone into our boring New Year's plans and we were privy to a miracle of life!! A friend called to say their puppies were being born, so we headed out at 10 pm to see! 6 had been born already - 5 boys and 1 girl, just minutes to hours old.

Who is this cute when they are in labor??

What a sweet Mama, she let us hold them and pet and snuggle them. She's had 30+ puppies before. Moms seem to let more things go with the younger siblings I hear.
Such a neat thing none of us had seen before! We headed home with more light in our eyes and more squeals of delight!! 2 more boys were born that night, 10 minutes after we left and 4 hours later! That poor sister~ 7 brothers!

Such a neat thing none of us had seen before! We headed home with more light in our eyes and more squeals of delight!! 2 more boys were born that night, 10 minutes after we left and 4 hours later! That poor sister~ 7 brothers!
Those are so cute. Seriously, she looks great in labor.
That's awesome! It reminds me of the time Tara and I saw that cow being born ... we named her Linda. :)
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