We had Jacob's birthday party, which seemed to turn from have a couple friends over, to a full on party, which is fine with me but I wasn't quite prepared the way I like to be. The boys came over after school, went on a scavenger hunt that took them over hill and dale, and they came back all sweaty and more stinky than some of them had started out as. So, we had ice cream sundae bar (Jacob's idea), and one boy proceeded to throw up. Too much running combined with too much sugar? Oh dear!! The first hot day here in awhile so maybe a little sun stroke? It was his "dad's weekend" to have him so he was quite happy to lay on my couch and stay here. After a lot of soccer, tree climbing, yelling down the street, a little volleyball, a lot of nerf gun wars and jumping on the trampoline, they settled down for supper, and a card game Jacob wanted to teach everyone. Only one nose bleed ensued at the dinner table. Most of the boys went home and 2 watched a movie and slept over. Puking boy was one of them, and in case you're wondering he's fine. Got to love 12 year old boys!

Love the cake.
You're a better mom than I am. I would have had puking boy out the door faster than you could blink.
Good job on the cake. Did you use the MS recipe?
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