Sunday, August 15, 2010


It only took us 10 years to get out boating on Okanagan Lake. Our good friends took us out for the afternoon last week and we had a great time! I don't know what took us so long (well lack of a boat would be one thing). It was beautiful and so peaceful to jump off and swim in the middle of the lake with no one else around - I mean all those tourists and stuff.

I was more scared watching the boys tubing, than going on the tube myself, I suppose they were going a lot faster than us girls were though! I have an explainable fear of serious injuries. It was Jacob's first time and he laughed the whole way. I was reassured that they have never tipped the tube. I was told that about a SeaDoo once though too, and we
managed to flip it on our first ride together. We were much younger and wilder though

Jacob and his best friend, they met in the church nursery when they were 2. Oh the forts and Lego creations these two have forged together! I like the new bridge in the background.

And I hope to look this fantastic when I'm 50 something...
hey I'd be happy to look that good now! XO