Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I Love Biology

When I was in grade 11, we went to Expo '86 and then to Bamfield Marine Sciences Center on Vancouver Island to explore marine life.  I'm so lucky I got to go again with my daughter's class, and that she let me.  I didn't make her share a bunk with me though, I'm a pretty cool Mom that way.  I let her stay with her friends, imagine the teenage eye roll now.
Our 5 days were filled with no mornings sleeping past 6:30,  if you know me.. that's a serious uggghhh....and and being busy until 9:30 at night, then trying to settle 28 girls (the 10 boys were left to the principal), so we could do it all again the next day.  What an amazing group of teenagers!  They were keen, loved all the learning, even in pouring rain one day.  We were totally blessed upon by an awesome God with an orca whale sighting the last day, then a brief shower, followed by an amazing rainbow.  I think HE just wanted to give His blessing on us.  From discovering the tiniest of sea creatures.. plankton.. spawning and fertilizing sand dollar babies.. hands on experiments with invertebrates.. to seeing the grandest creature!  Totally cool!

How cute are they in their safety goggles?