Friday, June 8, 2012

For your Daily Reading Enjoyment.... O

Well this is NOT the cake that Erin had on her real birthday:

But isn't it amazing!  Some girlfriends and I took Erin to a cake auction fundraiser event the day before Erin's birthday, hoping to bring one home, and this is the cake we wanted!  I took the 1st bid, and then it got WAY too expensive for me!!  It ended up selling for $2000!!  Can you believe it?  Totally amazing for the Pregnancy Care Center!  Erin is totally donating a cake next year with her amazing talents!  Would be really cool to see how much it would sell for.

This is the cake she ended up with:
..and where is she? I have no idea.. as soon as we lit the candles, she took off and KD graciously agreed to stand in til she came back.  Don't worry, he didn't blow them out, she had the honors, no boyfriends!!  Phew.. another year not to worry :)

You also may be wondering how a guinea pig ends up peeing on your homework... literally.. no word of a lie!!

Well when he's right up there in the poster making action, things can happen.

So.... yesterday's meeting with the coach was amazing!  Nothing official yet, but hopefully by the end of the summer, we'll know a little more.  Who knew they'd be recruiting players this far ahead, we're a little clueless when it comes to these sorts of things.  I know lots of players are sending out e-mails and DVDs to prospective schools already, but we feel like this blessing has just been given to her!  Keeping a lid on things for awhile yet except to you my faithful blog readers.

And for some more reading enjoyment, especially Tara and Missy, not you Olivia sorry :).  Erin was cracking up at these.  I particularly like # 136, 156, and 176.  What is a good response for? "Wow, you're tall": 
"Gee you're short."
"Oh, did you know you're balding?"
"Why, thank you"


bigcanadiangirl said...

Happy Birthday Erin! You should enter that auction.

Is that guinea pig yours now?

bigcanadiangirl said...

I love being tall. I play a game in elevators. If I'm the tallest, I win. I win a lot.

missy said...

Oh bad Freddie!! Tall girls are the best!!! I had a good laugh reading those this morning - my favorite - that all the size 11+ shoes look like they were taken from the lost and found at a Seniors home. Hee hee - so funny and yet sad because so true!