Thursday, April 3, 2008

all about me con't...

If you were a smartie pants, the first words out of your mouth would be… "this however is not a hidden immunity idol"

One thing you’ll never ever throw away... my kids Mother's Day cards

The best smell in the world ... wet dog- no just kidding... cinnamon buns baking and warm milk, plumeria and sweet peas, a spring morning and the ocean breeze

favorite dessert... again related to the guilty pleasures... I think either chocolate ganache torte, or something strawberry

Nickname: Lin, Linny, Linder

Early bird or night owl? My natural rhythm is about 9 am to midnight, but because that doesn't happen so I go to bed earlier.

Winter or summer? Why do you think I live in Kelowna?

Words to live by? See my header

Name a line from a movie you regularly quote:

"Find the duck Gilbert"

"I used my eagle powers to rip my blouse"


bigcanadiangirl said...

I'm out of touch, explain the movie quotes...

Sandra said...

You're very fun!

Linda said...

The quotes are from "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" and "Nacho Libre"

bigcanadiangirl said...

Okay, I'm giving you a hand with the unique qualities:
Gorgeous wavy blonde hair
Wise and loving Mother
I love that you sing along to the radio and even add in your own harmony
You love "Bill" too!
Lacking in Bunko players!
You have an adventurous spirit -you're not afraid to try something new (went back to school, mission trips, Zambia).