Yesterday I had a list of all the things I wanted to accomplish, my first mistake, as God is teaching me to just live a little less "TO DO ishly".... to spend a little more listening instead of racing... but right after coming in the door from taking the kids to school, we noticed the hot water tank leaking on the floor. Yes on my new red laundry room floor. Thankfully we noticed it right when it started and there was no carpet or drywall damage in the next room. And even more thankfully the guy I phoned was there in an hour and had a new one in by 1:00. So first on my list today after blogging of course is the hot shower I didn't get yesterday. And touching up the red paint where they dragged the new one in. One coat on already.
So today I am thankful for hot water, accessible in an easy manner. When I was in Africa, if we thought we needed hot water, we had to turn on this little tank about an hour before hand and then use it right away and turn it off since it was run on propane. And that was high-tech for there. I think of all those with no hot water, or boiling it in a pot after collecting wood or fuel and starting a fire. What a luxury! I am thankful for the dog who barked so we came to notice the leak (score one for Ditto-still doesn't make up for the bear spray incident). I am thankful that an old gentleman had the morning free to come install it for me. I am thankful for the ease in which we live so often, but then also think it is too easy for us and we get so frustrated with these little things. I think if life were a little more difficult, we might be a little more thankful. And so today I want to take my kids somewhere for 6 months and beat out of us the mindset of our N. American culture. The greed and the materialism. I am thankful for the ability to move and do things and fix things and think. I am thankful for my daffodils that survived the snow on Saturday. I am thankful today that I don't live in Alberta. I am thankful that I have nothing on a real to do list today, only swirling ideas of a boy's birthday party fast approaching.
Someone sent me this man's blog and I have found it interesting reading. OK did anyone see this episode of American Idol? I think I am totally offended!
I like this post in particular and several more like it. That one I sent to my husband, I know he'll like it. The man isn't always so sarcastic, but it makes me laugh!
Here's my new diet plan.
So from hot water tanks to quit eating crap, have a great day... oh the mind and where it travels when it wanders....
So explain to me why you're offended about the AI thing. That's not my reaction and I'm curious about yours. I'm actually not entirely sure what my reaction is.
think it's great that they are singing a worship song and that people are exposed to that, but really how many of them know God or even know who they are singing to? It just seems to fake, all the white outfits etc. It's seems totally hypocritical to me! It's like in one breath they can streamline Christianity and do a song like that and on the other hand that girl Mandissa who sang a worship song as one of her choices a season or 2 ago got totally slammed for it being "religious" - by Simon who is the producer of the show. I don't know it just bothered me. I'm not outrightly offended or anything. But maybe I'm viewing it through my Canadian eyes. The US is so different in their approach to issues of faith. There it's still a good thing to see the President walking to church with his Bible under his arm, where here Stephen Harper would get totally ridiculed for that. It just seems like it's all good and dandy to sing a nice song about Jesus, and maybe some of them mean it, but I don't know where their hearts are at, and that's not my business at all. I just am curious how they decided to sing that song. I know it was the "give back week" and they were donating to Africa and all that, but all of a sudden then there's Jesus right in the middle. The neat thing is I do think HE will use that somehow in someone's life to point them to truth. Overall it just adds to the inauthenticity of what appears to be Christian. I just think the whole group singing thing on that show is totally cheesy most every week and this just seemed kind of weird when the rest of it is all about the greatest "idol" (being not God)
I don't know what do you think??
I don't watch Idol, never have so can't comment. I do like some of that guy's posts though. He's hilarious. Talk about down to earth...
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