I know I have been slack on the blogging this week, so I'll catch you up on some of our activities.
We are a bit of a different family. Kind of unique, sort of an odd sense of humor at times. There have been some shenanigans as of late that I WILL NOT be posting video of, but the photos should make you laugh enough. While in Mexico we saw all kinds of luchador masks, it really is a thing down there. Now if you haven't seen "Nacho Libre" you may not have a clue what I'm talking about, but they are Mexican wrestler masks. We weren't sure if the Mexicans would have seen, liked or thought they were being mocked by the film. Well on seeing one in this guy's little shop and having quite a spirited discussion about Nacho, Spanish and other things, we felt the need to bring the mask home for Jacob who is a big fan, and another one for Kevin's brother Cam, who is even more eccentric in his humor, and of course needs one since he works with youth. Who doesn't need a mask like this? I am already picturing next Halloween. It's not just about the gift, it's about the presentation and introduction of the gift:In other Drew news... the boys went skiing... J's first full day ever on the hill, I think a new obsession has started.
"it's Big and White and skiied all over" as the ad says (the hill is called Big White)
We had another huge dump of snow!!! I guess God was listening to the kids not ME. But the good thing is that snow always provides a lot of entertainment. There has been some serious snow fort building going on!! It's becoming a bit more like a snow village because I think now there are actually 5 snow structures on the front lawn. They are actually borrowing, OK taking, snow from the neighbors lawn in buckets to make it bigger!
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Snow does provide a lot of entertainment as long as you don't have to drive in it. I love that mask on your boy. The looks is only enhanced by his visible ribs. Hilarious. I so need to see that movie.
Ya I think the visible ribs make the photo! 10 year old boy muscles!
You guys make me laugh!
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