Second, I am so unmotivated I can't stop! Well actually I think the problem is I can't start anything. I know it's the weather and the fact that I don't want to go outside. But all I feel like doing is sitting around and watching TV. Help me! My butt is not getting any smaller! I am not a Superbowl fan or whatever cup it is that's on today. OK, yes, Sunday is a day of rest, at least we try to spend family time together. Maybe I could just curl up and take a nap til tomorrow. But then I know the kids would just play on the computer til then and I have a problem with that. Erin is making chocolate e'clairs, so I know that will involve some assistance at some point in time. They're not a fool proof recipe, like say a brownie.
Anyways, I was motivated at church this morning to persist, to carry on, to not allow the shades of grey and monotony to seep in slowly. But I really need a fire lit under me... Lord help me. Fire would at least be warm... :)
Don't worry about me --- I am saying this all with a grain of salt, we just all have these days. I know I have NOTHING to complain about. I am so thankful and maybe I need to make a list and get me out of my glum. It's not like I just found out I'm pregnant with #5 and am worrying it's twins. Now that would be weighing heavily on my mind and it is :) Or that I'm worried my husband might lose his job and I live in a townhouse that's already way too small for 5 of us and my baby is teething and no one is sleeping properly at night. Or that my mother-in-law just found out her cancer in inoperable. Or that my body isn't working the way I would like it too. Lord, send your blessing on these dear souls. Fill their hearts with Your joy and strength, and Your sense of unending peace and purpose in each circumstance. And for the ones who don't yet know that You are the One in control, that somehow they would find you in it all. And Lord, I am so thankful for the patient of mine that could have left the hospital 5 minutes earlier and found herself in real trouble, but that she was kept safe in our care, heal her Lord.
Nice one. :)
I hear ya. Sometimes I have so much to do that I feel like curling up in a ball and taking a big nap.
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