Every year the school makes a big, fun deal of the Hot Shots competition. It's a fun contest to see who can make the most baskets in a minute with your partner. There are practices and try-outs and the best 2 teams from each grade go to the finals. The principle, an ex-UBC basketball player got boomwackers for every child in the school to get the cheering going- he's crazy!

But this year held quite a story. The competition has always been tough with the grade 6 boys. Jacob and whoever his partner is (which has changed every year). This year he was with his good friend Daniel versus the competition S and C. Well every year S and C win and Jacob has gotten 2nd place. Well this year the odds were the same, same 2 boys made it to the finals against Jacob and Dan. Well 5 days before the big day, C had a terrible mountain biking accident and was air lifted to Vancouver to set many broken bones in both arms and elbows. He is pinned and screwed together and in 2 straight arm casts. His first appearance back to school, so pale in the face, was the day of the Hot Shots competition. The boys had gotten together and chosen someone to shoot in his place, and the excitement was building. The teams were very close, but S and his new partner "J" snatched the 1st prize again. The joy of the moment came when all 4 boys invited "C" up to join them in front of the school, which he declined, but the boys went back to where he was sitting and his substitute gave him the 1st place prize of a brand new basketball. It was a moment all parents were proud of!! The Dad of "J" commented to Kevin, "I didn't even tell him to do that". It was a life moment and Jacob agreed he was so happy to come 2nd place so they could honor his friend.

Jacob, you're a supastar!
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