Trying to find things to be thankful for... there are so many... but they seem so squished down by the unknown, the uncertainty, the patiently and not so patiently waiting that's been happening around here for 1 year, and 35 days. I would be so happy to say YES to something, or NO to something, if those options would present themselves. Instead we sit and wait and wonder what is to become of us. And the days go by one by one filled with events and kids' activities and things that fill our moments, with joy, with fun, with family. But always in the back is not knowing. So I try to trust and I KNOW that God will provide. But my cynical spirit rises and makes me hate and the things that slow down the process of re-hires. How long do we keep believing that they do want to re-hire as the 2 weeks change into 7 or is it 9 I've lost track? I know more and more it's about being, who we are when no one is looking, who we are being- separate and alone from "doing" anything. I wish I didn't fail so often.
There are things that people wait MUCH longer for that matter MUCH more, like this little one we prayed 8 years for with our dear friends. Happy 1st Birthday my sweet boy! I can't wait to see you!! He is the triple blessing of those prayers!
There are things that people wait MUCH longer for that matter MUCH more, like this little one we prayed 8 years for with our dear friends. Happy 1st Birthday my sweet boy! I can't wait to see you!! He is the triple blessing of those prayers!

142. the wisdom my son is more and more showing. After reading some adventures of David and Saul in Samuel, he remarks, "all this because they wanted their own king, and couldn't allow God to remain their one King".
143. health
144. ability to work and play
145. a visit from my Mom
146. visits to the garden center and an afternoon of planting pots- I just had to spend that money! My soul might wither if I don't have them.
147. that getting braces on wasn't as traumatic as I feared for my no pain tolerance daughter. There was no fainting and she's gotten used to them pretty easily.
I'm just hoping that the waiting comes to an end very soon ... I can relate in a small way and I know how difficult it is. Praying for you.
Great things to be thankful for, especially that sweet boy.
I don't have the answers, that's for sure. I continue to impatiently wait. As I was working my way through the Beth Moore study, there was one passage that struck me in Luke 8:24-25. "Where is your faith?"
It kind of hit home for me.
You're good at pointing out your blessings in the midst of it though.
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