Monday, November 30, 2009

One Thousand Things

A friend of mine is part of a blogging gratitude community and I began to think it was a really great idea! Bringing thankfulness into each day, and cherishing the small things. They post every Monday on their list of up to 1000 things. So, I'm climbing on board and dragging you with me!

holy experience

1. Warm slippers on a cool rainy day
2. Ability to work and make income
3. A warm bed- that is sometimes hard to get out of in the mornings (warm is seeming to be a theme already)
4. Kids that are really so easy to parent - at the moment
5. Chocolate chip cookies
6. A Mom that phones often, even when it sometimes seems at the busiest moment, sorry Mom
7. Finding my dog curled up on the downstairs couch gave us a good laugh, he's not allowed even in that room!
8. Having a friend e-mail even amidst her super busy schedule


Sandra said...


bigcanadiangirl said...

Oh Ditto. Haven't seen many Ditto posts lately.