Photos below are not for the faint of heart! Beware! They're not that bad really.

Do they look like they know what they're doing?

Kevin took these photos from off the TV screen in the viewing room.
Yes that is my freaky looking eyeball! All 10 year old boys might be very interested!

on my eye, very weird! I would not like to have brain surgery!

Step #5 - washing it out with lots of cold liquid felt so good! Off to recovery
for 15 min. of darkness and you're done!
for 15 min. of darkness and you're done!
So not here I am on post-op day 4. Friday night and Saturday were a little tedious! I had a little mild panic yesterday wondering if they had screwed up and put the wrong numbers into the big laser machine because I had such cloudy vision all day. It was worse than not wearing my glasses. Friday was very scratchy all day and I used the max. dose of pain drops. I guess I had not expected that I would have that much of a recovery time. People had told me that it pretty much was good from the first day or so. The people at the clinic had said that day 3 and 4 are the worst for vision because the epithelial layer is growing back across the center of your line of vision. So I was holding on to that and then took a long nap to make it all go away. Today is much better but still my vision is only about 50% better. I had the PRK which has more recovery than Lasik, so I have to wait until I see the guy here on Wednesday . He'll take out the "bandaid contact lens" that stays in for a week. My friend says it is really good once that is out.
So there's my story. Hope you enjoyed all the gory details.
I'm completely grossed out - I've always hated eye stuff and couldn't stand taking care of pts after cataract surgery. Those retractors make me sick!! Hope the results are great ... my dad had the PRK too and it was awesome.
My gross out thing is trachs. I watched my Grandpa's cataract surgery. Here's hoping things get better each day!
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