Monday, December 29, 2008


You might not know this about me, but I can get addicted to certain computer games, especially ones that end up in my stocking at Christmas time, and then I like to play them a LOT. Well... don't get me wrong... I'm not a total couch potato... I do know my limits... just ask Randi- my university Tetris friend. It only happens during weeks like this one where we are really being SUPER casual.... ie. it's 6:18 pm and the doorbell ran to see if the kids wanted to go out and play some hockey on our back rink (word has gotten out to the neighborhood), and Erin had to get dressed out of her PJs to go out. Most of the day has been frittered away indoors playing games, reading books, computer games, and just generally being lazy, at least all the Christmas baking is either gone or stowed away to the freezer for some later date when it will be much more appreciated than in our over-full bellies right now. When the rest of our lives are so structured, it is so nice to be able to have days like this. This is the 5th in the series of games that I have played all of, but it's been at least a year since the last episode of quick frozen dinners so Mom can get back to "Myst". It's like a strategic/ puzzle game, so it's not like a big shoot 'em up all day :) Here's an online one you can try out that is a little more brainless, and also slightly addicting, I think I'm up to level 59. Beat that! I am so OK with not always being productive!


Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

Haven't tried that game but I still love Tetris and Ms. PacMan. I think I frittered away half my life savings in the U of C arcade.

Sandra said...

We love Myst! And any number of other mindless and not-so-mindless distractions! Yay for pj days. :)

Erin said...

Oh my goodness, not frozen bubble!!!!!! your are wayyy too addicted to that!